Gregory's Tux Shop sells and rent suits tuxedos and accessories for suits and tuxedos.

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Found 2 listings

Gregory’s Tux Shop – North Hollywood

Company: Gregory's Tux Shop
12051 Magnolia Blvd North Hollywood CA USA 91607
Days 1: Mon-Fri
Hours 1: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm PST
Days 2: Sat
Hours 2: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
DAYS 3: Sun
HOURS 3: Closed
Phone: 818-980-5480
Fax: 818-765-9485
Toll Free: 888-968-4889

Gregory’s Tux Shop – North Hollywood

Company: Gregory's Tux Shop
7334 Radford Avenue North Hollywood CA USA 91605
Days 1: Mon - Fri
Hours 1: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm PST
Days 2: Sat
Hours 2: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
DAYS 3: Sun
HOURS 3: Closed
Phone: 818-765-9479
Fax: 818-765-9485
Toll Free: 888-968-4889(4TUX)